Hutchinson JO Volleyball Parents:
This is just an update from the Hutchinson JO Volleyball Board on where we are with the 2022-2023 JO season. We are busy planning for the upcoming season and wanted to get the word out on some important dates and information. PLEASE NOTE THAT THINGS ARE EARLIER THAN NORMAL THIS YEAR.
Informational/Parents Meeting is October 9 – The Informational/Parents Meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Event Center in Hutchinson. This meeting will be mainly for our 12’s and 14’s players and parents and potentially new families to our program. Families within our 15/16’s and 17/18’s programs are welcomed to attend as well as we address what is being planned for the upcoming season. It will strictly be an informational meeting. We will be talking about what is new for 2023, the tryout and registration process, schedules, and coaches for the upcoming season. It is recommended that both players and parents attend this meeting.
Back for 2023 – Again this year, we will be offering a 17/18’s program. With the desire for some ladies within the area to play volleyball beyond high school, the Hutchinson JO Board has made the decision to continue to allow senior girls the option to play additional volleyball in 2023. Our Program will be open to any and all girls in grades 4 through 12 in 2023. We will also continue to not limit our membership to Hutchinson students only. Know someone from out of town who is looking for a new experience? Encourage them to check us out. We will also continue to provide a “program t-shirt” to all girls who make a team. This t-shirt is included in the program costs you pay.
Program costs for the upcoming season will be similar to last year. Our 12’s program cost will be $305, our 14’s program cost will be $455, our 15/16’s cost will be $755, and our 17/18’s cost will be $955.
Tryouts for 15/16’s and 17/18’s Teams is November 13 – Tryouts for these teams have been scheduled for Sunday, November 13 at the Hutchinson Recreation Center. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. on November 13. Tryouts will be from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. for our 17/18's team(s) and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. for our 15/16's team(s). Once again we are asking people to register for tryouts in advance. There is a $25 (nonrefundable) registration fee when you register online in advance of tryouts (by the end of day on November 7). There is no at the door registration. Registration for tryouts will open by the middle of October and we will email you the link to register once it is open.
Tryouts for our 14’s Teams is October 30 and November 6 – We are once again doing something a little different this year for our 14’s teams tryouts. Tryouts will be conducted over 2 days and earlier than normal. Tryouts for these teams have been scheduled for October 30 and November 6 at the Hutchinson Recreation Center. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. on October 30 with registration set for 1:40 p.m. Tryouts for our 14’s teams will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on October 30 and from 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. on November 6. We are once again asking people to register for tryouts in advance. There is a $25 (nonrefundable) registration fee when you register online in advance of tryouts (by the end of day on October 24). There is no at the door registration. Registration for tryouts will open in early to mid-October and we will email you the link to register once it is open.
Team Placement for our 12's Teams is October 30 and November 6 -- NEW for 2023, we will be selecting our 12's teams earlier than in years past. Team placements (we don't cut at the 12's level) will be conducted over 2 days. Team placements will take place at the same time of our 14's tryouts and have been scheduled for October 30 and November 6 at the Hutchinson Recreation Center. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. on October 30 with registration set for 1:40 p.m. Team placements will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on October 30 and from 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. on November 6. We will ask you to register for team placements in advance. There is a $25 registration fee when you register online in advance of team placements (by the end of day on October 24). The $25 will go towards your registration costs if you accept your team placement. It will not be refunded if you do not accept your team placement. There is no at the door registration. Registration for team placements will open in early to mid-October and we will email you the link to register once it is open.
Team Registration Opens November 14 – Team registration will open this year after tryouts. The registration link will become available on November 14 for all programs. The deadline to register for all of our programs will be by the end of the day on November 20.
Team Deposits and Commitment Letter – Again this year, the Hutchinson JO Volleyball is requiring those girls who tryout for our 14’s, 15/16’s and 17/18’s teams to put a team deposit down after tryouts along with signing a letter of commitment. The deposit and commitment letter will guarantee your spot with your team. The deposit is $150 and a copy of the commitment letter can be found on our tryout's page. Our 12’s program will have a $75 deposit upon registration, but no commitment letter will be required.
Volunteer Check, Uniform Fitting and Apparel Sizing – We once again are requiring a $90 volunteer check (returnable) for each player in our program. The volunteer check will be due at team placement and upon signing the letter of commitment for our 12's, 14’s, 15/16’s and 17/18’s programs (November 6 or November 13). Uniform fitting and apparel sizing is still being discussed and we hope to have more information to you shortly.
More information on Tryouts/Registration – We have created a page on our website to act as a “one stop shop” on all of our information relating to tryouts and registration. The site also includes information on the tryout process, program policies, and program fees and due dates. To view this information follow this link:
Scholarship Program – Once again this year, the Hutchinson JO Volleyball club is offering scholarships to eligible families. Additional information on this program can be found on our tryout's page.
2023 Tiger Jam Tournaments – We have scheduled our Tiger Jam Tournaments for the weekend of April 1/2. The 12’s and 15/16’s tournaments will be April 1. The 14’s and 17/18’s tournaments have been scheduled for April 2. We will once again be utilizing both the High School and Rec Center to host these tournaments. Please keep these dates in mind when it comes to volunteering your time.
2023 Schedules and Tournaments – We are currently working on getting our competition schedule lined up for the upcoming year. Practices will begin in early January and will be held at similar times and locations as years past. We will have more information on our schedule at the informational meeting on October 9.
Social Media – We are on social media. Feel free to follow us and share our information. Like us on Facebook at Hutchinson JO Volleyball and find us on Instagram at hutchinsonjovolleyball.
There will be more information to come on the upcoming season at the Informational/Parents Meeting. Feel free to pass this information onto any new prospective families/players or former members who may be interested in playing Hutchinson JO Volleyball this year. Also, feel free to visit our website at for up-to-date and additional information. Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your commitment to Hutch JO Volleyball!
Hutch JO Volleyball